The Beverly Hillbillies with their vehicle loaded down to move. Well big things have been happening around here lately. Bryan is now a college graduate and a full time employee at the big hospital in our part of Tennessee. I’m so proud of him for knowing what he wanted to do and going for it. He got the job he wanted before he even graduated! Of course with all the good there has to be some down sides and the big one here is a second shift job that is an hour and a half commute away. He’s racking up miles like crazy and spending lots of time just driving back and forth. So we are facing a new mission. Operation: Big Move.


Now… we are looking at a few years time line wise so I’m not packing just yet, but we are getting really organized with expenses around here. One big thing we are focusing on is groceries and meal planning. With Bryan eating at work everyday, the cafeteria can get expensive even with employee discounts. Not to mention that by the time he gets home he just grabs a healthy snack so he can go to bed earlier. He was going to be missing out on home cooking and we can’t have that. He’s also a really healthy eater so no throwing a sandwich in a bag 5 days a week either. So step one in Operation: Big Move is meal planning. 

Disclaimer, I have no idea what I am doing! I don’t know if I will even last a month or if I will remember to post about it as much as I should, but hopefully it will go well!  So bare with me if you sporadically get weekly plans or recipes we tried. I’ll be honest here, if I don’t post them here I may never find them again. So hopefully there will be a lot posted! So interweb friends, do you meal plan? Give me your tips!

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